As I sat outside of the hospital waiting for my mom to pick me up, I was thinking about my book. What book? Oh, the one that I’m going to write some day. It’s not written yet, but I’ve been thinking about it! Hopefully I’m not the only one who’s looked back on her life and thought “You know, I should really write a book.” And then as I sat there, tried to do homework, got distracted, studied some more, and got distracted again, it occurred to me that until I write my book, I can blog in the meantime. I’m still catching up on 21st century technology (and since I never plan on having a Facebook-don’t bother looking me up, I’m not there-I will probably never catch up 100%) so this was a monumental breakthrough. My motivation for writing a book is to share lessons that I’ve learned from life so far and to show people that it’s okay to NOT be normal in the typical sense of the word. But I can accomplish the same things with a blog in the meantime. So if you’re looking for juicy tidbits of gossip or a Twitter-esque update on every single detail of my life, you’re going to be sadly disappointed. But if you are curious about my life as the oldest of seven kids, my experiences trying to make sense of my world, and my many many failures along the way, welcome to this adventure called life!
The title of my blog comes from a quote by Dale Carnegie: “When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.” And my goal is to keep making lemonade until the day I die :) An observation that I’ve made in watching other people’s lives, and, in fact, my own, is that we as a people don’t like it when things don’t go our way. Shocking, I know, that things just don’t turn out the way you’d planned. I don't believe in fate, chance, or luck; I believe that a Sovereign Lord is ordaining each step of my path, and nothing happens that He hasn't allowed. But even though I wake up in the morning and pray that God’s will be done in my life, I still fight Him when he does exactly what I asked for. Go figure. It’s a constant reminder of my utter humanness, where I want to claim that I have faith while still remaining in control. So when God hands me a lemon, which I personally interpret as something sour and undesirable in its current state (my youngest sister, on the other hand, likes to eat lemons as is, and would say "Thanks!" if she were handed a lemon), it's because He wants me to do something with it, learn something from it, or just accept the fact that He is God and I am not.
It's a lifelong lesson, and the lemons grow with the passing of time, but if you're on the right path, your faith will be even greater to meet the challenge.
So thanks for reading and have a blessed day!
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